Croquet Simulator VR
In this project, I worked as a team of two to create a virtual reality game in C# using Unity and the Virtual Reality Toolkit.
The Virtual Reality Toolkit provided basic positional tracking information of the VR input devices such as the headset and controllers, while we implemented all of the logic on top of that. More specifically, I was in charge of locomotion within the game world, object interaction, as well as the UI implementation. There are many challenges that you face in VR development that you don't see in normal game development due to the significantly higher requirements needed to maintain the user's sense of presence. I tried to place an emphasis on presence by making every interaction with the world feel as physical as possible, such as allowing the player to pick up / move objects using the hand controllers and integrating a world-space UI system that the player can directly interact with.
Additional attention to detail was placed on implementing features such as height calibration in order to remain vendor agnostic and allow for as large of a user base as possible. The final game can be accessed here on my page!